Hi everyone! We have a few updates for OpenDoor Magazine. But FIRST, we would like to say "THANK YOU for your patience" as we've been MIA and trying to figure out the best path forward.
As with many things that are started as a "side-hustle" aka: unpaid passion, we have found that after two years of monthly issues, it just became too much to do along with our full-time jobs + personal writing obligations + family life + much needed personal time. It became unattainable and started to move from passion to pressured obligation. Which doesn't do YOU (the readers + writers) or US any good. Our social media shares and issue quality suffered as a result.
So, what does that mean? We are NOT closing OpenDoor Magazine. At the end of the day - we started it to give a platform to other writers, poets, artists, and more - that they otherwise wouldn't have. And the most important thing is to give them the support and visibility that is only fair to their work(s). That has not gone away.
Moving forward, we will have quarterly issues instead of monthly. The timing for all will be below (as well as the themes for the first two quarters of 2023). We will accept more submissions and make a more robust issue. The Quarterly issue will continue to be digital. However, once we catch up on the print anthologies from the previous year - we will start a yearly print anthology that will include ALL accepted submissions for the year - starting with 2023. This will be released consistently in the first quarter of each year and the proceeds will continue to go into keeping the "lights on" (our website and digital tools bills paid).
2023 Dates:
Quarterly #1 - Look To The Sky
Submissions Due: 2/19 (if you already sent a submission for this theme in 2022 - we will be reviewing those as well - no need to resend)
Acceptance Letters Sent by: 2/27
Issue out: 3/11
Social/Blog Posts: 3/12 - 4/8
Quarterly #2 - Envy
Submissions Due: 4/30 (if you already sent a submission for this theme in 2022 - we will be reviewing those as well - no need to resend)
Acceptance Letters Sent by: 5/13
Issue out: 5/31
Social/Blog Posts: 6/1 - 6/30
Quarterly #3 -
Theme Announced: 7/1
Submissions Due: 7/31
Acceptance Letters Sent by: 8/13
Issue out: 8/31
Social/Blog Posts: 9/1 - 9/30
Quarterly #4 -
Theme Announced: 10/1
Submissions Due: 10/31
Acceptance Letters Sent by: 11/12
Issue out: 11/30
Social/Blog Posts: 12/1 - 12/29
2023 Fully Year Anthology -
Available March 2024
Again - thank you so much for hanging in there with us during our dark months. We are thrilled to be back and promise to be back better than ever!
Kassie & Mel