Never Have I Ever – it’s a Netflix show that I honestly would never see myself watching but it’s super cute and funny! Even the dude watches it with me.
I feel that I’m reading my way through a summer reading list in order to get my free pizza (Americans from the mid-west in the 80’s will get this). So many books. The two I’m making my way through as we speak are “A Primer for Poets & Readers of Poetry” by Gregory Orr. So helpful as my style continues to evolve. I’m not writing new poetry at the moment due to other conflicts of time – but I’m learning and ready to pick back up. Also reading “Girl One” by Sara Flannery Murphy and loving it so far!
Currently Ellis Paul. Saw him in person with my parents on my last trip home before Covid and prepping with good vibes as I head home in July! (not crying… not crying… I’m just ready to hug my family… ok I’m crying)