Co-Creator Feature
I’ve always had an affinity for reading and writing. I heard that every good writer is also a good reader. If that’s true, then I’m in luck. I was always the odd kid walking down the hallway while reading a book... which may also explain my clumsiness… or had book(s) hidden in various places around the house, just in case I had a spare minute while I was supposed to be doing chores. Nothing has really changed all that much. My writing started in much the same way. Here and there, scribbled into notebooks, starting when I was younger. With the start of my first novel when I was 18. It was almost an escape from the real world at a time in my life where I needed it most. Eventually life got in the way and I put down the novel for over 10 years, picking it back up in my early 30’s and finishing it. Poetry is my ‘magazine writing.’ When I have an emotion or an idea and I have to get it on paper but didn’t have time to work it into a book, it came out as a song or a poem. That makes this endeavor with Mel even more special. It’s something that we both love to write and read, and we get to help build others up while also getting some wonderful things to read. Best of both worlds!
I have two poetry collections out currently – This is 2020 PART ONE and PART TWO (a beautifully biased view of the bad and good from 2020 and where we need to find improvements as a human race) and Their Footsteps (a collection of poems and photographs that have been writen/taken while traveling) and my debut novel, The Death and Life of John Doe, is also now available where ever books are sold! These are for sale along with other small gifts on my website at KassieJRunyan.com