by LaVan Robinson

It would be a joyful day when all the inhabitants of humanity are able to freely without compromise and conditions sit at the table of possibilities. There would be no such thing as racism, prejudice, discrimination, division, hate, inequality, and injustice. We all would be able to enjoy the fruits of life in love, peace, unity, goodwill and in heavenly bliss. All the world’s great resources would be equally and unconditionally shared among one another. We all would put aside our differences and accept each other as sisters and brothers under one true identity. We all would wake up every morning with a purpose and soulful meaning. We all would be working towards the goal to advance the positive agenda of our beautiful and celestial beings. Love would be spread and shared throughout the universe and here on earth. All souls would be considered more precious than money, diamonds, rubies, gold, silver and pearls and all materialistic gain and its worth. There would be nonstop dancing so jubilantly in the street without worry. We all would be just enjoying ourselves and each other’s company and in no particular hurry. Laws would be enacted to benefit our spiritual, mental, and physical nature and its freedom of expression. There would be no storms, always sunny and we all would delight in its tangible and intangible blessings and lessons. We would love and honor our God in heaven above. Never in want or need of anything and resting assured and safety in divine love letting it lead the way. That would be a very special and joyful day