TV Show: This is Us
This show follows the lives of siblings Randall, Kate and Kevin and their parents Rebecca and Jack. It takes place mainly in the present day but, is made so seamless by the use of flashbacks to gain deeper insights into the family’s past. There is love, joy, heartbreak, suspense, grief and devastation, so you will be needing a box of tissues at the ready! I can honestly say no show has touched me at this level before. The situations the characters go through at different stages of their lives are extremely relatable. With lots of twists and turns along the way, don’t waste any more time not taking a seat on this beautiful emotional rollercoaster. (Available to watch on Amazon Prime Video)
Book: Ghosts by Dolly Alderton
I read this book very quickly. It was the perfect accessible escapism that I needed during these times. It follows Nina, a 32 year old food writer whilst she navigates herself through single life after a long-term relationship ends. She uses a dating app for the first time and despite meeting someone straight away and forming what she perceived as a deep connection she is ‘ghosted’ by him. On top of dealing with this her father is unwell and, while her mother Nancy, is denial about the shift from wife to career, Nina does everything she can to support them both. Despite some heavy themes the book is peppered with humour and wit. I feel it is a book that every generation may enjoy.
Podcast: The Missing
Having recommended ‘The High Low’ previously with Pandora Sykes and Dolly Alderton I was unaware how quickly it was coming to an end. In this brand-new Podcast Pandora examines unsolved missing persons cases, with the aim of bringing new attention to them. While a person is reported missing every 90 seconds in the UK, only 1% of those will become long-term investigations. Each episode focusses an individual missing persons case providing us with everything that is known so far. A chilling and fascinating listen for a great cause. (Available on all Podcast streaming platforms)