Welcome to our AUTUMN ISSUE! Folklore & Fairytales have perpetually captivated writes and artists across generations. These are tales handed down from the young to the old, rooted in some semblance of truth, and at times, more than just a mere fragment when they were first shared. Our goal is to craft narratives that spark a transformation in our world or to weave stories where love conquers all, birds serenade the princess, and the sun never sets. Yet, the concept of a ‘fairytale’ varies for everyone who writes or reads it. What did it signify for our storytellers, poets, and artists? Dive into the pages to find out! And as always, remember… “YOUR WORDS MATTER!”
Thank you for continuing to share our magazine with your friends and family and allowing our audience to keep growing. We are so incredibly thankful for each one of you!
Kassie & Mel
